Paula Signing my book

I am still on cloud nine!!! Night before last (Oct 14) Ralph and I went to booksamillion at Brookwood Village to meet Paula Deen for her new cookbook signing. I watch the cooking channel non-stop and when they said she was coming to B-ham I about fainted I told Ralph I had to go no matter what!!! So we did and we waited like 4 and half hours to talk to her but it was all well worth it. She signed my book, I got a hug and pictures with her. When she left we met her outside and she talked to us a little more and so did her husband michael and then she got on my phone and said "hey mama" to my mom whom was thrilled since she couldn't be there! Ralph also got to shake her hubby's hand and he got a hug also, lol he grinned from ear to ear haha. Ralph knew the deputy that was taking her in and out of the place so that's how I got so close to her after it was over and got my pictures and my book signed I loved it!! I am so happy...
She is so pretty on T.v but even prettier in person... She got off the elevator and said "HEY YALL!" haha it was great, best night ever!!!!