Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Anderson at Hooters lol

Anderson has had a hooters shirt since he was like 6 months old, but it was way too big for him to wear, well it finally fits!!! So the other night we decided to let him wear it and go get something to eat there. They even gave him a Balloon...oh and they gave him a free hooters hat when he got his shirt too!!!

His shirt says... Follow me to Hooters, (then there's a picture of a motorcycle and under it it says), Future Rider...

Checking out the lawn mowers at Sears after Dinner lol

Easter 2009

Anderson was ill Easter morning for some reason so we didn't really get any pics of him checking out all his goodies in his Easter Basket. In the pic here though he is checking out another Elmo dvd...

So Handsome!!!!!

Easter 2009-Hunting Eggs

The pictures were he's clapping and laughing is due to the fact that my whole family was on the porch clapping for him and saying yay everytime he found an egg. So he would throw the egg down and clap too haha he's such a mess.

Playing at Bass Pro Shop after taking pics with the Bunny

Anderson didn't care what we did as long as he was away from the bunny lol

Easter at Bass Pro Shop.

My Friend Stephanie had already taken her kids to Bass Pro Shop, but she told me about it so I decided I wanted to take Anderson b/c I am not paying for a picture of my child screaming if that were the case, which it was. Anyway...Sbhe met up with us and we got a pic of all three of the kids with the bunny too! I hope Anderson is better with the bunny next year lol b/c he sure didn't like him this year... or should I say HER? haha

Dying Easter Eggs

Dying Easter Eggs at MawMaw and Papa's house b/c he was spending the evening with them before Easter. Excuse the pink stuff in the easter basket, that's not the one he used lol that's just the one she had to sit the eggs in at her house. lol

Easter Party at Daycare

Here's a few pics from their Easter Party at Daycare, they had so much fun eat'n on their cupcakes lol if you coulnd't tell by my sons face...oh and if you notice lol he's already flirting with girls haha!!

Easter Egg Hunt at Daycare

I have about a million more pics from this, but since im so behind on posting, I just decided to add a few


These pictures were taken a while back, but here's so pics of his newer pj's. He also has some that are super man... when you put the black ones on he goes Batman!!! haha he's such a mess and so dang smart!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Blogger Award

Thanks Christie!!

Here's the rules...1. When given the award, you list 7 things that you love.2. Pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you love. Be sure to tag them and let them know they've won. (You can copy the picture of the award and paste it on your sideboard.)
Things I love...

1. God
2. My husband
3. My precious little boy Anderson
4. My family
5. My friends
6. Decorating my house
7. Mondays with friends at College

Now I give this award to 7 friends and bloggers (this means you get to put the cute little award on your blog so don't let me down by not participating and passing it on)!

1. The Mitchell's
2. The Runnels
3. Natalie Glenn
4. Shannon Noelle
5. Shannon
6. Rawr_it's _shelbs
7. xAvirax

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

More pictures from boredom at College... haha

not being quiet in the library haha

Going to get lunch before lab...

Shannon and I act'n dumb

Kristina and I in the lounge

Playing outside

He is so handsome!!! Look at those beautiful eyes!!!

he had to wear his Elmo hat, wouldn't go out without it haha.