Anderson sat in a booster seat for the first time for us Last Night. We went to Logans to eat, and they couldn't put a highchair to the booth because they are so high so we had to use the booster seat. He did so good and I am so proud of him exp since he hasn't been feeling the best. Poor baby is sick :-( he had a cold, and then a stomach virus and now he's running a fever and sick to his tummy... poor thing. I wish I could make him feel better, it's so hard to watch your child be sick and there is nothing you can do about it but let it "Run its Course" Ugh! Pray he gets better soon please.
Here are the pictures of Anderson at Logans in the booster seat and him eating Toast for the first time, he has been sick so we were hoping he could keep this down. He's too cute!
AWE! Poor baby! Hopefully he gets to feeling better soon!
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