Day 3 pictures

Well Anderson has now had his first stitches due to a fall. Anderson was playig at my grandmothers yesterday and was getting sleepy so he was staggering around everywhere. The Ellen show had just come on and he was dancing to the music and turned and fell face first on a sleigh my grandmother has out in her living room for Christmas. I ran over to him because he was crying so hard and realized it had busted his eyebrow open. I quickly got him to the sink to rinse it off and of course he didn't want me to touch it. I had the feeling that it was bad enough we were going to have to see a doctor. So I called ralph and told him and he said go on and call the doctor and see if we can go see them. I called and the nurse told me that his doctor wanted him to go on and go to Childrens Emergency Room since the cut was on his face... if something had to be done he wanted them to go on and do it so it wouldn't scar badly if any. We sat there for atleast three hours before we finally got to get something done and they ended up putting in three stitches. It was horribe...I felt so helpless while they were holding him down and he was screaming...I sat in the corner and cried. He was fine after it was all over, but was extrememly drunk from all the motrin they gave him in the room when we got there. He's doing better today and so far it doesn't seem to be bothering him. I am just thankful it wasn't any worse than it was.
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