Anderson has been grabbing at his diaper when he tee tees now and when he sees one of us going into the bathroom he grabs at his diaper too... and the other day he took off running from me while I was trying to get him for a bath and he watched himself tee tee in my floor so since he is so alert about it and starting to understand we're starting with the big boy potty... Im not real worried about it, but since he's interested we're going to keep letting him try. He felt like such a big boy and got so excited when he sat on it last night. This isn't his real potty, but it was the one I had closest so it's the one in the picture. I'll take more later with him and his new potty!!! I was told today I was SuperMommy because im trying already and because he's started so early with everything else he's done. haha, but everybody agrees that it's time to start trying since he's aware of it now.
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