Friday, February 20, 2009

Stomach Virus

Apparently I can't get my child well due to being in daycare, duh right? 3:30 wednesday morning he started crying so we went in his room and he was throwing up. So Ralph and I got him up changed him cleaned him up, took off all the sheets and mattress cover and all his stuffed animals and put them in the washing machine along with pjs. Put clean sheets on and he went back to sleep. We went ahead and took him on to daycare Thursday morning because I just figured it was something he ate the night before since he acted fine after he got it all up. Well I was wrong... I made it all the way to college and got into my classroom and my cellphone rang. It was the daycare, I answered and she said Ashley, Anderson is throwing up and he's pretty upset about it. I was like ok well I just got to school and can't leave(I had a review for a math test)so I will call Ralph or my mom and see if one of them can come get him. I called Ralph and he was doing a report and wasn't sure how long he would be, so I called my mom whom was getting ready for work..She decided to call her boss and take off so she could go on and get him. We called the dr and they said it was probably this stomach bug thats going around(which I figured since the daycare teachers said over half of their kids were out due to it) and just to push lots of watered down fluids like sprite and Gatorade and just try bland foods if he didn't throw up after three hours of drinking. So far so good, he hasn't thrown up since yesterday morning at the daycare and he's ate a little and is drinking a good bit. Hopefully he's over it now...Im ready for my little guy to get better!!!

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