Friday, March 13, 2009


Well I had my tonsils out this morning. Everything went great, but im definitely sore now. I had to be there before eight this morning to get all my paper work done and everything else they needed to do. They finally got me back to a room around 9 and got me prepped for surgery, started my iv and everything. Finally about 10 mins till 11 they came and got me for surgery...I was done by 11:15 and took into recovery for about 45 minutes. I wasn't hurting too bad, but wanted something to drink, so they gave me some sprite which burns going down! They took me into a room around 12 and let me see my family. They gave me some more sprite and some popsicles which were too sweet and made me start feeling sick, but thankfully they gave me some meds to help with that. I was so sleepy from the anethesia so I slept the whole way home and slept until about 8:00 tonight. I feel alot better now that I've slept all day, but it still hurts to swallow. Hopefully I will feel a little better tomorrow and so on. Nothing sounds good to eat, so im just pushing liquids to keep myself hydrated. Just say a little prayer that they heal well and I don't have to go back for anything but a checkup. I definitely is a big adjustment not being able to talk haha!

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