Friday, November 13, 2009

Anderson's 2nd Birthday :)

We had Anderson's 2nd Birthday Party last Saturday with all of our family and friends.... we had a great turn out and he really racked up! I think his favorite thing of all was his real football he got from his nana... I am so thankful for such a wonderful family and friends. Thank you all for celebrating another wonderful year with our little boy :)


Christie Mitchell said...

Awww, it looks like he had a great birthday. I wish we could have made it. Thank you so much, yeah it feels like yesterday that I had her to me too. It is crazy how fast time flies by!! I hope ya'll have a great weekend and Thanksgiving too :)

Christie Mitchell said...

Thank you so much. Ya'll should go to Aldridge Gardens, that place is so nice!!

Christie Mitchell said...

Thank you so much. Ya'll should go to Aldridge Gardens, that place is so nice!!

Christie Mitchell said...

Thank you, I thought she did really good!! I can't wait to see Anderson's, I bet he will do good :)