Sunday, September 28, 2008

Anderson is learning new words!!!

Anderson told everybody bye bye the other day, it was the cutest thing. Now he just yells BYE instead of byebye, it's too funny! The other afternoon I was drying my hair and he was trying to get into my cabinets in the bathroom so I told him no no... lol well he looked up at me shook his head and said no no no! I about fell out! Those are moments when you need to be getting onto them, but you're turning your head away so they wont see you laughing. Those two words have now moved his vocabulary up to 9 words I am so proud of him!!!!! He also cut another tooth the other day so he now has 7 teeth Yay! Just thought id give an update of my little man lol

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pictures are here!!!

Mommy 1988

Anderson 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Anderson's 4th Photo Session

Anderson's forth photo session was today. I am so excited! He did pretty good, but didn't really want to smile much for us, but he was still cute haha. Anyway I was just really excited that we got to go and have more pictures done today so I figured I would blog about it. I can't wait to see how they turned out. I will post some on here when I get them so be looking for them.


Here's the picture I took for my background on my cell, a little sneak peak.

Some Videos from when Anderson was a few months old... so precious

Babbling with daddy, I can't believe how much he has grown.

Laughing at daddy shaking his arms...This is my Favorite!!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Some old pictures

My first Rose I made

My Second Rose I made...I love making roses for cakes

A night at the movies

Ralph and I ... it's on my cell

Ralph and I at my mom's house

Love those kisses!

Ralph and I at a Party

The Kiss 3-30-08

Mr. & Mrs. Bryant 3-30-08

I found some old pictures on my computer and they just kinda filled me heart so I wanted to post them on here :-) so here they are.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

So cute!!!

He has figured out something new again! Anderson was sitting at Whataburger with us tonight and put his hands over his eyes when I said peekaboo. I love it!!! It was the cutest thing. He is so smart, it seems like he learns something new everyday and here lately it's coming in twos haha! anyway now when you say peekaboo he covers his eyes then moves them and smiles. I love him so much!!!!

He Amazes me...

My baby boy is still sick, He ran a fever last night of 103.7. I feel so sorry for him. I want him to feel better! Today has been a little better, no fever so far and he's played a good bit. He said a new word today. He picked up my cell phone, put it to his ear and said "LO" for hello haha it's so cute!! That makes his 7th word!!! He amazes me. I enjoy watching all the new things he is learning and look forward to everything else I get to watch him accomplish. I love him so much!!!

Thank you Melissa for fixing my page!!!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

My big boy...

Anderson sat in a booster seat for the first time for us Last Night. We went to Logans to eat, and they couldn't put a highchair to the booth because they are so high so we had to use the booster seat. He did so good and I am so proud of him exp since he hasn't been feeling the best. Poor baby is sick :-( he had a cold, and then a stomach virus and now he's running a fever and sick to his tummy... poor thing. I wish I could make him feel better, it's so hard to watch your child be sick and there is nothing you can do about it but let it "Run its Course" Ugh! Pray he gets better soon please.

Here are the pictures of Anderson at Logans in the booster seat and him eating Toast for the first time, he has been sick so we were hoping he could keep this down. He's too cute!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Anderson's saying new things

Today, Anderson learned two new words. I am so excited that he's learning new things, but it makes me sad at the same time because he's growing up way too fast! Anyway... He pointed at Jake (our dog) and said "Dog,"we were excited and telling him that was right so he started clapping his hands and said "yay"... He is learning so much it's so amaizing to watch him grow. He has also learned how to make sounds people make. The other day my dad yawned and made a noise like ahh hah hah and Anderson made the same sounds. Also we were at my grandmothers last Saturday and my Aunt was playing cars with Anderson and made the noise vroom vroom and Anderson made the exact same noise. I was so excited!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

In the Making

So, I am trying to fix this blog site so that I can post things, but I am not being very successful. Bare With me and give me some input if you have any ideas on what I am supposed to do.