Saturday, February 28, 2009

They're coming out!!!

I went to the Ent yesterday. The dr said lets get a look so I opened my mouth and he said Wow im impressed! So we set a date for them to come out, which will be March 13 woo hoo fun, starting my spring break I will be in surgery blah!! Oh well it will be worth it in the long run.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Little Redneck Country Boy

I thought Anderson looked so cute when we were getting him ready for his bath and bed tonight. We got him undressed all but his pants and he looked so much like a little country boy. I had to take some pictures because he looked so sweet and he thought he was so cute smiling and saying cheese; of course Mommy and Daddy know he is!!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Update on My Mamaw...

They did a ct scan yesterday and some other tests on her and thankfully they all came back clear. They kept her on some oxygen for a while then released her back to the nursing home since they couldn't find anything wrong with her. Basically they think they gave her too much meds at the nursing home...Thanks for the thoughts and prayers!!! Hopefully she will keep getting better.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Please Pray for Our Family

My great grandmother is 101 yrs old and has just been taken to the hospital by ambulance for chest pain and not responding. She didn't even remember her own son or where she was and was talking about people being there with her at the moment that have already passed away. This isn't like her at all her mind is as sharp as a tac and her memory is better than mine. Please pray that when they get to the hospital everything will be alright.

I love him so much!!!

I honest to God do not know where I would be today if I didn't have this man in my life. I thank God for him everyday. I truely do think he was my Guardian Angel and that makes him even more special to me now than I knew he was back then!!!!

To use a spoon or not???

Grinning at Mommy for calling him a Good boy.. lol he was saying Cheese too!

Being Serious...

Talking about a mouth full!!

A little smile with a mouth full of food is nice too right?

Anderson loves to eat with a spoon, but sometimes he'd still rather eat with his hands, but he's enjoying the independence of using the spoon himself of course. Now he wants to do it all by himself and you sure better not try and help(even though sometimes you have to) lol. I decided to take some pics today at lunch time because he is doing so great by himself. Use to when he'd try to eat with the spoon food went everywhere,but now it all goes in his mouth YAY!!!

Happy Birthday Granna!!!

My mom's birthday was this past friday. We had her and my Uncles bday parties at my Grandparents house this weekend. Here are a few pictures of my Beautiful mother. I love the picture of Anderson and "Granna" singing and dancing to her new cd we got her, PRECIOUS!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Update on Mom...

So I went to the dr last friday for the pain around my right ovarie. The drs said it was probably a pulled ligament or muscle since they didn't feel any cysts so they gave me a perscription of anti-infamatory to take for 14 days and if it doesn't make it better I have to go get checked by my obgyn because it may be the beginning stages of a cyst. I was also told that when I had my ct scan for kidney stones that they found a cyst on my left ovarie but I was never told(cause it wasn't bad) so?? don't I still have the right to know there's a cyst in my body? um think so!!! But apparently it burst cause when they did the last ct scan to see if my kidney stones were moving it was gone... good thing I guess?!? While I was there I asked them about my tonsils on how they felt about someone my age or older getting them taken out. She said he will send you to an ENT if he thinks they need to get them taken out, so she said open up and lets check. So I said AHH and she said OMG lol! She said they were stage three tonsils which means they're so big they're touching. They did a strep test but thankfully it came out negative,so they gave me the number of the ent and I go this Friday for them to be checked... needless to say both drs I saw Friday think they're coming out. Therefore I will probably be having surgery during spring break which starts March 16! Fun Stuff...I'll keep yall updated on what they say at the office this friday. I would rather them take them out now though because I can't keep getting strep around Anderson and can't be sick during nursing school or working at the hospital so yep! haha.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Moms turn to go to the Dr.

I am hurting so bad! My right ovarie feels like it's about to burst open. It has been bothering me for a few days, but nothing big. Well let me tell you last night and this morning it's killing me. It hurts to get up and down, lay on that side, lean over and definitely cough. I have never felt this pain before... So I called the doctor this morning and told them what I was feeling and they said since they couldn't really do much over the phone they wanted me to come in so they could find out what was going on... So just say a little prayer that it's nothing big that maybe it's just my Endometriosis acting up again...

Stomach Virus

Apparently I can't get my child well due to being in daycare, duh right? 3:30 wednesday morning he started crying so we went in his room and he was throwing up. So Ralph and I got him up changed him cleaned him up, took off all the sheets and mattress cover and all his stuffed animals and put them in the washing machine along with pjs. Put clean sheets on and he went back to sleep. We went ahead and took him on to daycare Thursday morning because I just figured it was something he ate the night before since he acted fine after he got it all up. Well I was wrong... I made it all the way to college and got into my classroom and my cellphone rang. It was the daycare, I answered and she said Ashley, Anderson is throwing up and he's pretty upset about it. I was like ok well I just got to school and can't leave(I had a review for a math test)so I will call Ralph or my mom and see if one of them can come get him. I called Ralph and he was doing a report and wasn't sure how long he would be, so I called my mom whom was getting ready for work..She decided to call her boss and take off so she could go on and get him. We called the dr and they said it was probably this stomach bug thats going around(which I figured since the daycare teachers said over half of their kids were out due to it) and just to push lots of watered down fluids like sprite and Gatorade and just try bland foods if he didn't throw up after three hours of drinking. So far so good, he hasn't thrown up since yesterday morning at the daycare and he's ate a little and is drinking a good bit. Hopefully he's over it now...Im ready for my little guy to get better!!!

Tissues anyone?

I am so sick of studying Tissues in Anatomy I could scream! There are so blasted many that im getting them confused... there's Simple squamous Epithelium, Simple Cubodial Epithelium, Simple Columnar Epithelium, Pseudostratified Epithelium, Stratified squamous Epithelium, Stratified Cubodial Epithelium, Stratified Columnar Epithelium, Transitional Epithelium, and Glandular Epithelium AHHH and they all function differently and line different organs and body parts... lol i think it helped me typing them all out just now though haha. But not only do I have to know what they do I have to know what they all look like under a blasted microscope and on and overhead projector... too much crap. Oh well... back to studying!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Happy Valentines Day to All my Friends!!! I hope you have a wondeful day spending time with your loved ones. Much love from The Bryant Family!!!

...Ralph surprised me with the sweetest card this morning and a stuffed puppy dog that says love you and a 3 lb chocolate heart. I got him a stuffed animal that says I love you and some of his favorite candies and a card from Anderson and myself. Ralph leaned over and gave me a kiss this morning and told me he loved me and Happy Valentines day and Anderson saw him so he leaned over and gave me a kiss too, it was so precious!!! My mom is watching Anderson for us tonight so we can have some time to ourselves. Ralph is taking me out to dinner and to see a movie. I am so blessed to spend this day with my Wondeful husband and until later with my little boy also. They mean so much to me and I am truly blessed that God gave them both to me!

Here are the pictures from Valentines Night!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sick Little Guy

When we woke Anderson up this morning to get him ready for to go to daycare so we could go to school and work he felt really warm, so ralph took his temp and it was 104 under his arm. It was too early to call his doctor considering it was 6:45 so we gave him some tylenol and tried to give him some sprite and some grits. All we got down him was a bite of grits and a sip or two of Sprite. He was still so sleepy so we layed him back down and I headed to school while ralph stayed home with him since I coulnd't miss class. His temp. was still 101 when I got home at 12 this afternoon and before I got home he threw up so I called the doctor. All they said was to watch him and alternate between tylenol and motrin every three hrs. The nurse said if we brought him in today they may not catch it if he's really getting sick, so if he gets worse tomorrow or later to bring him in, but until then just keep an eye on him. She said more than likely it's a fever virus. She said not to force him to eat, but to push liquids and ice chips and allow him to snack if he feels like it. I hate he feels so bad, he's slept all day and is really clingy when he is awake which is not like him. He is so independent he doesn't want to be held or sit in your lap much so it's definitely obvious he isn't feeling well..poor litl guy. Im just trying to keep an eye on him at all times because we are not going back down the route we went down when he started this last time and had the seizures. So hopefully all will be well and he will be feeling better when he wakes up and be better tomorrow too. I just hope I can get someone to watch him tomorrow so ralph doesn't have to take another day off, because again I can't miss class. I wish I had simple classes this semester so I could stay home with him, but I've gotta do what I gotta do. Please just say a little prayer that our little guy feels better.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

15 month checkup

Anderson went to the doctor the other day for his 15 month checkup and everything was great. He was such a big boy and so sociable with everyone there. The doctor was happy that he wasn't shy and that he wanted to actually have something to do with him since most kids are terrified of the doctor. Anderson weighed in at 26 lbs 11 oz and was 32 3/4 inches tall. He is growing so fast, I can't believe how big he's getting and he's so dang independent!!!! The doctor said that Anderson is in the 90 percent in height and between the 75th and 90th in weight. He said his weight is perfect for his height and that everything looks great. He did have to have one shot but he did really well with it and the lady even gave him a sucker for being so good lol. We won't have to go back good lord willing until he is two thankfully we're now on the yearly checkups. I am just so glad the appointment went so well and that Anderson did so good also.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Imagination Movers

My friend Ashley invited us to go with them today to the Alabama Theater to let the kids see the Imagination Movers. Her uncle works there so all of us got in free and we sat up front on the second row, it was so much fun to get to watch the kids get so excited and dance. All three of them had a blast. Anderson was jumping up and down clapping and hollering and smiling from ear to ear. I am so thankful to have such a wonderful friend that is so thoughtful to ask us if we wanted to go with them. Thanks Ash!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

I Give Up !!!

I swear I knew the child was clumsy, but I didn't know it was going to be this bad. Today Anderson was playing and decided he wanted to climb up on his Elmo's Restaurant and he slipped before I could get him down. He grabbed at his tummy and started crying, but I didn't see anything while he was sitting in my lap. After he calmed down and decided he was alright he got down and I checked one more time and he happened to turn and I saw it. He has a pretty big scrape down the side of his tummy...poor baby this makes his 3rd boo boo now. Hopefully we won't have anymore for a long time. I know he's little and of course being a boy doesn't make it any better because he wants to be independent and rough, but im hoping he will calm down.

Stuck again...

Last night we went downstairs in the den which we hardly spend time in b/c it's so dang cold down there. Anyway Anderson saw his walker and decided he wanted in it so he climbed up and did it himself. He wasn't too happy once he got up there because he got his feet stuck, but after he moved a little bit and got down in it he loved it haha. It's sad that something they're too big for becomes something they love to try and play with. He was jumping in it and playing with the toys on it, he's nut.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

upside down?

I was laying down in the floor because I got tired of trying to fight with Anderson about getting a picture of his 2nd boo boo,but I still had the camera on and in my hands... he decided he'd lean over and look at me so as he smiled I snapped!

2nd boo boo (he's clumsy like his mommy)

Again Anderson fell at my grandmothers house, but this time it wasn't a sleigh he hit it was the side of the chair with his chin. He got the edge of it which happens to be a corner made of wood. I give up, poor kid can't catch a break. He's so clumsy, but I can't say anything I am too. Anyway luckily this one wasn't near as bad as the first one no trip to the Er and we didn't have to have stitches either. Pretty much just a really bad scratch. It looks a lot worse in the pictures than it did when it first happened, but it's getting better now. He didn't want me taking pictures, he refused to smile

Ok so maybe a little smile while playing...


These are some pictures from the birthday party Anderson went to a few weeks ago. This entry goes along with the Hula hoop entry. so here's the pictures of him loving the moonwalk. He had a blast!

One more minute dad k?

Taking a break

jumping like crazy

I love his smile and hearing him say Cheese!

Anderson will smile and say cheese when you get the camera out now and it is the cutest thing ever. Him saying it in his sweet little voice just makes my heart melt... he's been saying cheese for a while, but now it's so clear everybody can understand it. lol cheese and please are alot alike in sound so I guess when he starts saying please he really will melt my heart and he will get anything and everything he wants. Oh well they're only young once, and sadly he's growing up so dang fast. He can already say thank you and it's pretty darn cute too. He will say anything you ask him to now. Luckily we don't have to worry about any bad words because none of our family uses them so he won't pick them up. I am glad that is something I do Not have to worry about thank the Lord!

Push up

Anderson and I went and at lunch with daddy Tuesday afternoon after I picked him up from daycare. After Anderson ate all of his lunch one of the lunch room ladies took him to let him pick him out his icecream... This is what Anderson came back with. This is the first time he's ever had a push up and he loved it!!! He made such a mess, but I guess it was worth it since it was his first time and he was enjoying it so much. Guess I need to keep these in stock at the house now.

Trying to Hula Hoop

Anderson went to a birthday party the other day and they had all kinds of stuff to play with, but Anderson loved playing with the hula hoops it was pretty funny because the thing is bigger than he is, but he saw some of the bigger kids trying so he thought he'd try too. He's such a stinker!

Deputy Sheriff Maybe?

This is what Anderson loves to play with when he rides in his daddy's County truck. It's his Sheriffs hat. Anderson loves playing with it and loves wearing it even more. So the other day when we were going somewhere Anderson decided he wanted to put the hat on himself and this is how it ended up haha. The picture is crappy b/c it was taken on my cell phone, but it's all I had at the time. Picture is still cute either way lol.

Anatomy and Phisiolgy

So I was really worried monday about my first test in Anatomy and Phisiolgy. When I went back to class for lab that afternoon he gave us our grades back and to my surprise I made an 85 I was extremely happy because I was praying that I atleast made a B on it, but with all the questions I was unsure about I really didn't think I was going to do that well. Thank you again Lord for helping through another test!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Bored as ever

So it's monday and of course I'm at the college all day...I had my first Anatomy and Phisiolgy test today and im pretty scared to get my grade back this afternoon in lab. There was alot more on there than he said was going to be and im afraid that I didn't know it as well as I should have although I studied my butt off all weekend. Oh well, if I didn't do so great on this one, better luck next time. After class we went to taco bell in sumiton and grabbed a bite to eat and talked for a while, but now we're back at the college with nothing to do until 2:00. So now I have about an hour and a half to kill until my lab starts this afternoon, so im hanging out in the computer lab with shannon and sarah just waiting and being bored...oh yeah I also turned in my Nursing application today... it felt good to get it in, but does kind of make me nervous to think it's getting down the the last steps of being accepted...I won't find out if I get accepted or not until the end of may when they finally send out letters. Lots of praying between now and then lol let me tell you!